3 June 2021

Fourth XtraGrass pitch at PSV Academy de Herdgang

The last couple of weeks, a new hybrid XtraGrass pitch at training facility de Herdgang of premier league club PSV has been installed. Youth players of the club will use this pitch as a training area during their education programme.

Our test team of the Centre for Turf Innovation will be on-site as soon as the natural grass has developed. They will focus on player testing to collect data and feedback, increasing their knowledge to player-surface interaction.

This new hybrid XtraGrass pitch will be part of the CTI Field Lab testing programme at PSV. Here, CTI compares different types of surfaces, such as new hybrid turf, 5-year old hybrid turf, NonFill synthetic turf, woven synthetic turf and natural turf. All will be intensively tested in collaboration with PSV players, going beyond lab testing and using the personal opinion of elite level players to improve our surfaces.

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